Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Turn 54, A party of 4 please.

Today the World stopped. A truce seems to be in effect, but it is unknown for how long, or what the conditions of this peace effort is.

Yesterday, we succeeded in pushing back JSF once again. We lost against the EFEC, but that battle had signs of defeat from the beginning.

Yesterday evening, I was invited to a special event to honor those who were lost in the efforts to free POWs from Grissom AFB this weekend. The even was held at the JSF Officer Club at Pamlico Sound, which has been commandeered by the EFEC. The Commanders of the European Federation were very welcoming. As we enjoyed our beverages and spoke of the brave Pilots that helped me survive my 3 day journey, a huge artillery barrage hit the area. A few were injured and one Commander was killed instantly. Three EFEC Commanders: TW Anubis, TG LostInPlace, and TW Ramases called their battalions to action. Not wanting to sit back and let the EFEC take all the glory, I jumped in control of the battalion that was now left with no commander. We repelled the JSF back and we took minimal casualties for most of the night. LostInPlace lost contact with one of his Veteran Pilots. He is still MIA, I wish him the best, but I have a sneaking suspicion that he is KIA. Ramases' Veteran Transport Vehicle Commander was completely wiped out, but died bravely in combat. He died saving the rest of us from a certain loss.

All in all, I had an enjoyable time visiting with the EFEC. I hope we can work together in the future with our common enemy: the JSF.

I will keep you all updated on the status of our current Cease Fire. Until then rest yourselves and give your men temporary leave.

If you are feeling a little alone and would like some very dedicated Russian teammates, please send me an XBOX Live Friend Request (XBOX LIVE TAG: Corporal Bruno) and I will get you moving towards a membership in Tactical Warfare. If you feel like you are good at using the internet and a computer you can sign up yourself here. Please remember that you were informed of this great gaming community by me, Corporal Bruno.


  1. Link to Tacticle Warfare appears to be down ... apparently they have exceeded their webhosting limit? ... Wondered if you could pass on the message ... Like the blog BTW

  2. To Anonymous:

    Yes TW has been down for about 5 hours or so. I promise they will be back up as soon as possible. The Webteam is frantically trying to get things squared away. But please check back later this afternoon, they should be back up by then.

    Thank you for the compliment, I work hard at this everyday, trying to be original.
